Top ^

I'm passionate about JavaScript and UI development, but enjoy working the backend as well. In addition to my work as an engineer, I have nearly 3 years work experience with marketing management and business-to-business ad sales.

Have a spot on your team or just want to chat? Let's get in touch!

Technical Skills


JavaScript / TypeScript, Python, HTML5, CSS3/Sass


Angular, RxJS, ngrx/store (flux), localStorage, Bootstrap


Rails, Django, Express, Flask, Node.js


MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB


Git, Jasmine, Karma, Travis CI, HTTP, TCP/IP, REST,

Latest Projects

  • no-osx-overscroll

    Source code. Published npm package.

    Technologies: JavaScript, Webpack, Babel, Travis CI, Jasmine, Karma

    A large portion of what I build at work relies on horizontally scrolling. Browser navigation via Mac's trackpad can yield a frustrating UX, so I sought ways to solve it. I didn't find an npm package for it so I decided to implement one and publish it.

  • The Bread Project

    Source code.

    Technologies: Angular, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, localStorage, Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, MySQL

    This project was created during the Opportunity Hack at PayPal, and earned The People's Choice Award. Our problem statement was to create an app that will automate the job placement process that is currently executed by the employees of The Bread Project. My primary responsibilities were: frontend system design and frontend implementation (TypeScript, HTML5, CSS3, localStorage). This included integrating with the Rest API implemented by our backend developer.

  • mean-scaffold

    Source code. Published npm package.

    Technologies: Bash, JavaScript, MongoDB, Angular, Express, Node

    This is a published NPM package that generates a customizable MEAN stack CRUD app from the command line in 20 seconds. This includes models of your choice, and associations are supported. For this project, my teammate and I split the development tasks evenly — including sharing responsibility in scripting server and client-side code. We learned to script in Bash for this project and published the package within four days. Package accumulated over 200 downloads in its first 3 days of publication.

  • Dojo Space Invaders

    Source code. Play it.

    Technologies: JavaScript, Canvas, HTML5, CSS3

    This game was written per an interview prompt. During the interview, I was instructed to build as many features as possible in a Space Invaders-esque game within 1 hour. Following the interview, I continued to work on the game.

  • Chatroom

    Source code.

    Technologies:, Node.js, Express, JavaScript, jQuery

    This is a chatroom app built with on top of Node.js and Express.